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Maintaing joint integrity, comfort, and freedom of movement.

Devils Claw and powerful antioxidants combine with MSM to maintain joint comfort and support quality of life forever. When you need to comfort your horse's joints and his quality of life is your priority, give him Devil's Relief... the choice is painless.

Each kg contains: Crude Protein 4% Bibre 6% Moisture 86% Ash 0% Oil 4%

Ingredients: Aqua, Devils Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens), Capiscum frutescens, Duxtrose, MSM, Starch, Asportame.

Instructionsa: 100ml for three days. Thereafter 20-30ml per day in feed. Preferably in the last feed at night as better absorption is acheived during the resting period. Continue feeding for as long as necessary.

Storage instructions: Store in a dry place. Replace lid after use.

Package quantities: 500ml & 1L containers. A 1L container fed at 20ml per day will last 50 days.

Legal category: Complementary feedingstuff.

Devil's Relief 1ltr

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